Buy Original IELTS Certificate Without Exam. We only offer authentic and original IELTS certificate without exam.
Wondering how to buy ielts certificate?
We carry out the process through the back doors at our IELTS database in London. Process time london is 6 working days to process your results and produce your score report ( Certificate/card).
We begin the procedure with proper registration and booking for a recent exam date. Your desired scores are issued into the exams systems with your candidate number, center number and your personal information.
Your result are verifiable online and the original TRF is produced, which is database registered and authentic for any immigration process.
We register you in an upcoming exam date and publish your result attach with the ones of those that wrote on the official exam date. We make sure the registration carried is authentic and valid. It’s important for the certificate to be valid. Reason why we focus so much on authenticity, is because the university or institutions you are applying for, will eventually cross check the certificate you submit to them, to ensure the IELTS certificate is genuine and can be used officially. In order to check if an IELTS Certificate is genuine or not, you can always check this article published by British examiners Even if you didn’t obtain the certificate from us, we always encourage to verify yourself online before you start using it officially.